Welcome to Mountain Home Therapy!

I help you remain independent in your mountain home even if you're recovering from a surgery, injury, or living with a chronic or disabling condition, so you can stay out of hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities

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Talk to Annie Scott, Occupational Therapist, about cost, availability, and any other questions you may have.

If I don't answer when you call, I may be out on a home visit. Please leave a message, and I'll be back in touch as soon as I can.

Accepting medicare and medicaid. Please contact me with other insurance or coverage questions.

My focus is on adults who are worried that illness or injury could threaten their mobility or quality of life. Mountain Home Therapy can provide the exercise strategies, home modifications, or caregiver support that makes mountain living possible as you age.

What makes me a good fit for you?

  • I provide home services in rural service areas like yours
  • I understand the demands of mountain living
  • I am a skilled rehabilitation therapist with experience providing solutions for low vision, memory, spine, shoulder, recovery from heart or lung problems, arthritis, parkinsons, and more.
  • I can help be your doctor's eyes and ears to make sure you recover safely and stay out of the hospital
  • I help you recover from illness, injury, or hospitalization AND give you strategies to keep you independent once you recover so you can age in your own home

Call or schedule an appointment today: 970-294-2646

This is a specialized business with a unique service area (with limited capacity for clients), so don't delay calling to see if I'm a good fit for your needs before my spots fill up.

I can't wait to meet and serve you!

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