I help you remain independent in your mountain home even if you're coming off a surgery, injury, or living with a chronic or disabling condition, so you can stay out of hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities

I Help Older Adults Who Are Facing Challenges Like...

Nervous about what to do after SURGERY

Life right after a surgery can be scary. I can help you make sure you get the care you deserve in the comfort of your own home. We'll help you get back to your best self optimally!

Managing the effects of neurological problems

Are you suffering from a newly diagnosed or chronic neurological injury like a stroke, multiplesclerosis, or parkinsons? Everyday tasks and activities can become incredibly difficult. 

Not sure what to do after orthopedic concerns or injuries

Are you recovering from a recent injury? Do you want to make sure you handle the injury properly while staying in the comfort of your own home? The last thing you want is for your injury to get worse.

Know exercise is important, but don't know what to focus on with the conditions you live with

It's important that you work with a healthcare professional when trying to plan out exercise programs, otherwise you could make your health worse or even make your problems worse!

Just plain sick and tired of all the pain

Is pain becoming a constant part of your life - and you just don't know how you'll cope with it any longer? Let us help you implement strategies that you may have not tried yet.

Don't get out much because you don't have energy for anything anymore

Do you feel like a leaky bucket with regards to your energy? Low energy can impact your life in significant ways including lack of particpation in activities you used to enjoy doing and even basic daily tasks.

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